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What is a Queen Bee Project?

Queen Bee Project Ideas

1. Make some homemade dog treats and take to a local animal shelter.

2. Put together a care package for a missionary or member of the military. 

3. Leave happy notes around town.

4. Bake cookies together and deliver to the fire station or police station.

5.Make a silly video  to give to an elderly relative or friend.

6.Write  a play  to perform at a nursing home.

7.Go caroling at a local hospital or retirement community.

8.Collect coats and blankets to give to a local shelter.

9. Make a homeless care package.

10.Leave kindness stones at the park.

11. Make play dough for children at a women's shelter.

12. Collect pajamas for foster kids.

13. Plant trees or flowers. Create a community garden.

14. Put on a play, a fair or festival about local environmental or human needs issues.

15. Develop and maintain a recycling program in your community.

16.  Establish a PEN PAL PROJECT with senior citizens in a nursing home; children in a local hospital, or children in another country.

17. Put on a BAND-AID DRIVE

18. Make gift bags to hang on peoples doorknobs.

19.  Play  card or board games, perform a skit or sing some songs at a senior community.

20. Explore history and spend time with an assisted facility resident and interview them about how they grew up.



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